Motivation to Move Toward Belongingness

Motivation to Move Toward Belongingness

The motivation to move toward belongingness has been highlighted and discussed in the field of psychology for many years. In fact, a vast array of psychological research speaks to its benefits, including rewards that energize the brain as well as its buffering effects...
Motivation to Move Toward Consistency

Motivation to Move Toward Consistency

Research has shown, ad nauseum, that human beings designed with the ADHD energy will perform inconsistently on various working memory tests. A primary inconsistency weaponized against ADHDers measures their response times and/or reaction times. With this type of...
Motivation to Move Toward Homeostasis

Motivation to Move Toward Homeostasis

Recent research explored the function of physical movement, or “hyperactivity,” of ADHD children. The study asserted that the movement facilitated and enhanced focus and concentration (Sarver et al., 2015). The basic function of homeostasis for the human system is to...

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